vineri, 19 mai 2017

Characteristics Of Professionals Working In Cyber Security For Department Of Defense

By Jennifer Morgan

The defense of internet work space and the technology in any place is known as cyber security. Cyber security for department of defense involves employing technicians whose primary work is to ensure that the internet structure of a country is strong, creating awareness on the threats that systems may face and putting in place strategies and mechanisms that ensure the survival of infrastructure in case of an attack. This article will look at the qualities that the Department looks for when recruiting engineers for this work.

One must be well versed in technological software, networks, and hardware that is in the market. Hackers usually launch attacks based on the latest technology thus knowledge in these fields will enable an individual to create platforms for combating any attacks which may be initiated against systems.

One should also have meticulous attention to detail. Hackers infiltrate systems through manipulation of codes. Thus, it is important for one to have a quick eye that can spot even the slightest mistake and changes in code which may be affecting the system. Stopping cyber-attacks mostly relies on the early identification of the threat.

A prospective defense technician should be able to use their reasoning fast and logically to identify the strengths and weaknesses of a system that a hacker may exploit. This way, they can provide a tentative solution for the problem should it occur during their time of work. They are also able to engineer software which may block the spread of the attack.

A forensic eye, mind, and approach are another qualities of a respectable cyber refuge analyst. This is because such a profession can deeply and critically investigate a problem with the aim of getting to it cause. Combating any work done by a hacker, the first major requirement is to identify the permeation point from where a security patch can be made.

Understanding of hacker mode of operation is another quality of internet security connoisseurs. The knowledge of operations assists one predict the pirate moves which is usually crucial when trying to halt the spread of an attack. Keeping in touch with changes that occur in the technology underworld allows one to have access to knowledge on the latest tricks which hackers may have on their sleeves. This is crucial when coming up with strategies of keeping hackers out.

One should also be able to quickly identify and point out the shortcomings that may be associated with any information technology system. Hackers comprise the integrity of IT structures through infiltration which is done through these weaknesses. Understanding the weaknesses will enable an engineer to come up with fool proof ways of locking undesirable elements out of a system.

In conclusion, the increasing sophistication of attacks carried out by hackers has made IT specialists focus on technological security as a tool of defense. Technicians in this field are therefore required always to be one step ahead of hackers to make an impact and maintain safe standards.

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