marți, 1 august 2017

Why Psychologists Believe In Play Therapy

By George Cooper

Any parent will want the best for their child. When their little one is struggling with various emotions, it is obviously an area of concern. Parents are busy these days. They often have careers of their own. There are other children that they have to attend to. A child who is acting out of the ordinary can benefit by seeing a psychologist. However, they will really take advantage of something like play therapy.

At this stage of a child's life, it is difficult for them to make decisions. It is not something that comes naturally. However, during this type of therapy, they will learn more about making their own choices. They will learn about right from wrong and in some cases how to say no. This is relevant when a child has faced trauma in their lives.

This type of therapy is often something that the child will look forward. Kids enjoy playing with toys, doing arts and crafts and getting involved with imaginary play. A therapist will allow the child to pick a toy or a game. Over time the child will begin to connect with the therapist in more of a natural way. This will build up the relationship and the child will begin to trust the therapist.

An adult may be able to express their emotions. However, a child doesn't know how to get this out into words. It especially relates to the younger child or the toddler. Parents may wonder why their toddler is having so many tantrums. They have problems with discipline. Sometimes, they will become more harsh with the youngster, and don't realize that this change in behavior is due to a particular situation which requires this type of therapy.

Socially, they will also improve, because the therapist is naturally known to be so encouraging. Their self esteem and level of confidence will take off over time. This is why it is important for parents not to say that they simply have a child who is shy. It can be something a lot deeper than this.

Once the therapist knows what the child is having trouble with, they are able to deal with it. It can be a process. Parents may need to get involved so that they have more knowledge and so that they know how to handle the situation. It is important to know for a parent to give their support, without getting overly involved. The therapist needs to be in charge.

Of course, in some cases, the therapist will find that the child has been abused in the home. In cases like these, they are required to report the case to social services. Kids will not be safe in the environment. They will need ongoing therapy. Neglecting to do this, will create further problems in their teenage years as well as during their adult lives.

The role of the parent is to provide encouragement. They are there to nurture and provide a loving relationship. The therapist is there to find out what the problem or issue is. They will then find solutions. They will try and manage this. Parents sometimes feel as if they are a failure because they are not able to cope with this. However, parents who don't send their children to a therapist like this are often doing more harm than good.

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