miercuri, 13 septembrie 2017

Tips To Prevent Sports Injuries Wilmington Before They Happen

By Kevin Nelson

According to recent research, as much as 40 percent of ER visits for kids aged 5 to 14 years are due to sports injuries. No one sport is most to blame. But experts think that many injuries are due to overexposure to one sport or from playing too many sports all at once. These types of Sports Injuries Wilmington are referred to as "overuse injuries."

Each year there are nearly 20 million reported sporting injuries in the UK. Around 150 people die, and much more are disabled for life. It is estimated that around 3 million injuries remain untreated. These are frightening statistics, revealing just how important it is to be aware of injury prevention and how to treat games lesions effectively.

Transition Carefully from Sport to Sport. Even if you are in great physical condition, different sports activities require different muscles and skills. If you are trying a new sport, make sure to transition carefully to prevent injury. Wear Protective Gear. Protective gear exists for a reason - to keep you injury free! Mouth guards, goggles, helmets, shin guards, padding - make sure to wear all of the protective gear recommended for your sporting activity. Before you get on the field, court, or your bike, you should have your protective gear ready for action.

The National Institutes of Health warns that 15 percent of childhood fractures are growth-plate lesions. Boys suffer these twice as frequently as girls. The greatest occurrence is among 14 to 16-year-old boys. For girls, the most lesions are seen between 11 and 13 years of age.

If it Hurts, Stop! Many athletes hesitate to stop when they feel the first twinges of a possible injury. This is especially common for overuse lesions that can come on gradually but be very persistent and difficult to heal. If you are in pain, stop the activity to reduce your risk of a games injury.

The risk factors for spraining an ankle are many and varied. They include running on uneven ground, having had previous ankle lesions in the past, being overweight, failing to warm up sufficiently or even using shoes that do not fit properly.

Embrace Cross-Training. Regardless of the activities that you enjoy doing, it is always smart to incorporate new activities into your training to reduce your risk of injury. Different activities help you build up different muscle groups while giving other muscles a much-needed rest.

It is advised that children stop playing when they feel pain. Team leaders, coaches, and other personnel should be aware and trained to know that pain is a sign of injury. If such pain does not subside after several days of rest, a visit to the doctor should take the place of time on the practice field.

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