joi, 16 noiembrie 2017

Fat Loss Ketosis And Belly Fat

By Thomas Roberts

Losing fat is much harder than people think. Even when you succeed in losing extra kilograms, the fact is that belly fat will probably stay where it was. Anyway, this can be easily explained, and this particular problem can also be easily solved, if you put your organism in a so called fat loss ketosis state.

You have to it, because your organism needs fuel for working as it should. It is programmed to use primarily glucose, or blood sugar in this process. Glucose comes from carbohydrates, and if you don't provide enough carbohydrates, your body will have to find another source for its functioning. So, it will start burning those stubborn belly fat reserves, among other things.

Ketosis is a metabolic state in which body starts to break down stored fat, to be able to get enough energy for its functioning. This results with the buildup of acids called ketones. They suppress appetite, among other things, and this makes it much easier to stick to your diet. But, there are some rules you have to respect, in order of not doing damage to your body.

But first, to explain why some fat cells are harder to get rid of than others. So, there are two types of so called receptors, alpha receptors and beta receptors. First ones impede lipolysis, while the second ones stimulate it. Lipolysis is the process in which fat cells release molecules of stored fat, by the way. In the following process of oxidation, these stored fat cells get burned for energy.

In the state of ketosis, the thing called catecholamine enters the blood and attaches to fat cell receptors, to release the fatty acids. In this case, catecholamine more easily attaches to beta receptors than to alpha receptors, and these beta receptors are actually contained in your belly fat. In the process of lipolysis, fatty acids within get released, and can be used as a fuel.

As it was said, every organism primarily used glucose, or blood sugar. If you are on some sort of diet, once all sugar reserves are used, your body will start using fats, but it will use alpha receptors in this process, and you won't be losing belly fat, but mostly fats from other areas. In the state of ketosis, the body will primarily take those belly fats, because that's where beta receptors are.

Fats contain more energy than carbohydrates. That's why they release more energy as well. It takes more time to burn them, and that's why you won't be hunger so quickly as with other diets. Carbohydrates give high energy levels that do not last long, while it is entirely different with fats. Of course, you also need to take sufficient levels of proteins.

The consumption of carbohydrates has to be reduced to up to 60 grams a day, and you have to take 20 to 30 percent of your daily calorie intake in proteins. The rest can come from fats. Since you cannot take enough vitamins and minerals in this type of diet, it is a good idea to take dietary supplements.

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