marți, 7 noiembrie 2017

The Effect Of Foster Care Fresno CA On Children

By Arthur Wood

Foster carers who are caring for Looked after Children are working with some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Fostered children experience neglect, loss and abuse among many differing care situations and foster carers have to cope and deal with the challenges presented. This article delves into the realm of Foster Care Fresno CA, including its allegations, complaints and concerns.

Ideally the child will stay in the same home for the whole time. Unfortunately, many children get moved from one placement to another every few years or even months. Another form of permanency for a needy child is a long-term placement with a foster family because the biological parents are unable to look after their children due to a physical or physiological disability. During this time, the bio parents will continue to be very much a part of the child's life.

How do young children fare in a FC situation? Statistics show that young children placed in FC often have some level of emotional and behavioral problems. They are removed from their homes because of neglect or physical, sexual or verbal abuse. They carry those memories with them for a long time.

The memory may make many children timid around other people or just the opposite; make them direct anger at the families who take them in under the FC program. Many of these children require mental health services and often have physical disabilities due to poor health.

This information is not given to members of the public even though it may have been one of them who made the original complaint. If the complaint is held, plans will be put in place to rectify the reasons which led to the complaint having been made in the first place. When complaints are investigated, if a matter of serious concern about a carer's practice arises as a result, then the fostering agency has a responsibility to undertake a review of the carer's approval status.

Also, sometimes when a child who comes into adoptive care is older, they will remain quite adamant that they do not want to be adopted. The biological parents are unable to look after their children due to a physical or physiological disability. The children are placed in FC while continuing to have regular visits with their parents.

Statistics show that children who age-out rarely have anyone to turn to for advice or guidance once they reach the maximum FC age of 18. There are mentoring programs available to help, but these children may not know where to find such outreach programs. Many of these teens become parents themselves at an early age, and only about 46 percent of them actually graduate from high school.

Mother and Baby - sometimes if a mother is very young (a teenager) or a mother who has special needs, will be placed with a family who will support them while the mother learns the skills and responsibilities associated with parenting. The time that they stay in the program will depend on the progress the mother makes in learning caring for her child.

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