sâmbătă, 23 decembrie 2017

Factors That Have Influenced The Rise Of Online Dating Websites For Muslims

By Amanda Hamilton

Today, almost everything is tied to technology. Human beings across the globe have become so depended on technology that it has become increasingly difficult to dissociate life from technology. It appears that the two are the same, which makes online dating websites for Muslims a phenomenon that has to be accepted. Online social platforms that tend to hook up single people are on the rise, and this is due to some factors.

It has traditionally been argued that the Islamic religion is one of the strictest religion when it comes to its teachings. That may be true, even today, but the reality is that the world is changing. No one can underestimate the power of technology. Millions of people across the globe own at least a smart phone. With this device, the world is just a touch away. No one can control what someone does with his or her phone in private.

Love is an intrinsic and hot thirst whose quenching is very difficult as it is very simple. What this means is that despite the laws that require women in this religion to have a particular dress code, these platforms offer them a chance at escaping all these. It follows that with a smart phone, an individual can touch and reach her world in just a second. That is how liberating this has been, especially to single women.

The freedom to interact with the person of your own choice has even been made elaborate with the advent of such technological phenomenon. Other than the initial or earlier ways where there were high chances of fixed marriages, modernity has come with drastic changes. It, therefore, means that a lot of people are beginning to embrace the fact that love is a liberating feeling and everyone needs to be given a chance to look for it in whatever places he or she chooses.

Education has brought with it many things. Some of these include demanding careers for many men and women, regardless of their religious beliefs. Given their strict schedules, which in some cases do not even allow them to have a social life, some of these people opt for such platforms. This offers them a chance to meet someone and agree on their social well-being.

The sheer desire to explore the world of the unknown is also a factor. It is certain that the human mind, psychologically speaking, is very explorative. Such technological phenomena make the mind curious. Therefore, some people sign up for such just because they want to have a feel of what it is like to be there.

The economic implication of having face to face meetings with the person one aspires to marry cannot be sidestepped. For that reason, some individuals consider the online mechanism as being one of the best and the cheapest ways of getting a spouse. This is because one, there will be very few face to face meetings in the initial stages. Two, one will go on with his or her activities as they interact online, saving time.

Therefore, it is certain that change is inevitable. Technology has brought so many changes today that no one can ever be blind to the things that it has come with. The human social life has been greatly affected, and this is something that everyone must learn to accept.

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