joi, 21 decembrie 2017

Georgia Top Uncontested Divorce Attorneys Explain The Benefits Of Splitting Amicably

By Mary Thompson

Marriage is a risky proposition. Half of couples marrying for the first time get divorces, and the odds just get worse the more times they try it. Splitting up isn't easy either, especially when there are hard feelings and disagreements about assets. Remaining civil is the best idea, and Georgia top uncontested divorce attorneys say there are plenty of reasons to keep the lines of communication open.

If money is tight, divorcing without getting the court system involved, will save a lot of it. This is usually an easier proposition for those who were not married long. Partners of long standing often have combined assets, that both contributed to. It can be more difficult to divide these to the satisfaction of both, but it is possible. When each partner feels the division is fair, it's easier to walk away.

Feelings can run high during these times, and it is sometimes difficult to avoid dramatic flare ups and raised voices. If everyone remains rational and calm, any disputes regarding assets, child or pet visitation and other issues may be resolved without involving the court system. This is usually better for all parties concerned, including family members.

If neither one of the parties contests the split, it's easier to control the outcome. If they are able to make mutual decisions, there is no reason for the court to make the decisions instead. If they can't agree, and it does go to court, the judge may not rule the way either party wanted. Child custody and other considerations may be out of their hands at that point.

Staying out of court is the best option, if it's at all possible. When divorces go to court, it costs couples a lot of money in attorney fees. It can be a time consuming process without the benefit of privacy. Courtrooms are generally open to the public and, barring some unforeseen circumstances, divorce proceedings are adjudicated in public. You will lost all privacy once your case is in the hands of a judge. Personal feelings and preferences may not have any influence over a judge's decisions, in which case both parties may lose more than they gained by going to court.

For couples with children, separating formally has special issues, problems, and concerns. When the parents are arguing, or not communicating at all, the kids will suffer. Experts see the damage in poor school performance and children making poor personal choices. Kids may act out or run away in order to try and gain some control over the situation any way they can.

Couples who decide not to contest their divorces still need the services of experienced lawyers. Documents have to be filed with the court even when neither party is contesting the divorce. Most people outside the legal profession have no idea how the process of moving a divorce smoothly through the court system actually works.

It's much easier to get married than it is to get divorced. Nobody expects divorce to happen to them, and when it does many are unprepared. If it is possible, couples should just divide the assets, reassure the kids, and go on with their lives.

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