miercuri, 13 decembrie 2017

How Cyber Security For Department Of Defense Is Needed

By Janet Reed

The US often has much need to have defenses to protect against any kind of attach. Concerns for these include providing physical security to people and places, for making installations have integrity and regulations that work. Many of the items that could be addressed are truly important for the nation, and government also works with lots of technical items for security.

Most of these could include a lot of technology for protecting cyberspace. To this category belongs items that include cyber security for Department of Defense Huntsville AL. And only in recent years has both government and this depart created a process and programs and even agencies which will protect them from violations or illegal entries into cyberspace.

Hackers from China sponsored by their government have been attacking US cyberspace. Russians have gotten into the picture in the recent elections and the current admin has connected it to the internet. About a few years ago, WikiLeaks exposed the dealings of intelligence agents and agencies and how they have violated some international laws.

Hacking is a known lifestyle for all sorts of geeks and savvy professionals. There have also been reported cases about young people hacking their way into sensitive DoD networks and accessing all sorts of info. The fears in this regard is about a real enemy being able to penetrate these nets, compromising security and operations.

Cyber strategy that is used in this department that is the one in control of the military has three main or key points. First is a defense line over cyberspace which protects the general run of networks in use by the department. This main line is one that oversees entire databases, classified or public, and puts up a defense for all its operations.

There is also an offensive pattern that is used. This is the active protection and security net that works to defend the homeland from all types of attacks based on the internet and online processes. The security of databases and online networks today is a primary reason for the entire strategy, because the government has converted most if not all of its data resources to online ones.

The attack on cyberspace could be on that wreaks total havoc, or have physical effects on folks, structures or the government, but levels apply here. Several apply, ranked from minor ones to more urgent patterns, and responses are specific for each. Ones that could create a national emergency may be treated by upper echelon levels, which also means potential for total destruction.

The third item is one that addresses all operations on the military level, and this will be the most valuable items for this department. It has invested on a lot of programs for this concern, from software to computers and other machines and these have been in use for quite some time. The department used the recently concluded war as test bed.

The results have been carefully studied, classified, collated, analyzed and categorized and are now in use for the current cyber strategy and its processes and operations. The length of time it took has made critics think how government has actually been a laggard in this area. But in actual practice, it has constantly evolved both process and tech, which has created this new and better system.

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