vineri, 5 ianuarie 2018

Helpful Homemade Underarm Odor Solution

By Melissa Wood

Body odor is natural for every person. However, it intensifies based on activity and nature of your body. The most vulnerable areas to body odors are folds and those that are concealed. Such areas easily sweat and retain moisture, making them perfect for bacterial habitation. You need an underarm odor solution that will make you comfortable with self and when among people. Natural options are devoid of side effects and inexpensive, making them preferable.

The first step should be identifying the source of this smell. There are health conditions that may cause odors and therefore require medical prescription. Diet and whether you take a regular shower will also determine your body smell. You also need to change your cloths on regular basis to keep them fresh. Avoid medication because of dependency and instead go for the natural solutions.

Baking soda is a perfect remedy that can be used to absorb moisture from your underarms. The idea is that with reduced sweating or with we underarms, the smell will not be generated. It is also a natural deodorant that offers added benefits of eliminating bacteria. You just need to mix a tea spoon with lemon juice and apply on the smelly area. You then wash the area as if you are taking your regular shower.

Imbalance in pH is also a source of body stench. Apple cinder vinegar is a perfect antibacterial agent that keeps foul smell off your skin by balancing the pH of your body. It is prepared by soaking a cotton ball in cinder vinegar and rubbing it on your underarms. You should wait for two to three minutes then take a shower.

Lemon has acidic properties that regulate the pH of your body. This works by ensuring eliminating a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive and cause the awful smell. The beauty with lemon is that it can be applied directly without the need for apparatus or preparation procedures. You should allow the juice to dry on the skin before taking a shower for it to sip deep. For people with sensitive skins, you need to dilute the lemon juice for it to be effective.

Rosemary is known for its deodorant properties. It inhibits the growth of bacteria that causes the foul smell and also neutralizes the stench when it is too strong. It has a naturally appealing scent and provides zinc whose deficiency will cause your skin to smell.

Keep your stress level in check. Stress causes the body to produce a milky substance through glands that are located beneath your armpits. The milky substance provides food to bacterial that cause smelly armpits. Through activities such as yoga and meditation, you can relax and enjoy good smelling armpits. In fact, the benefits of relaxation extend beyond preventing a smelly body.

There are many remedies for odors based on your condition and whether they are accessible. By consulting a medical specialist, you will find an effective solution. Avoid depending on drugs because they could be addictive. Natural remedies are also more reliable because they do not have long term side effects.

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