miercuri, 3 ianuarie 2018

Some Of The Things You Should Know About Young Blood Therapy

By James Taylor

Aging is a natural part of the life of every living creature. However, in the many supernatural films, we may have watched, aging does not apply to some creatures. These creatures are vampires who feed on human blood in order to survive and stop aging. This may seem impossible in the real world. However, staying young for a long time is a project that is being carried out. Below are five facts you did not know about young blood therapy.

The man who came up with the idea of trying out parabiosis is known as Peter Thiel. He is hell-bent on finding a cure for both death and aging. He has actually funded many projects concerning this research and volunteers to be the first patient once the project is complete. He is encouraging the rest of society to embrace this theory as he has.

Parabiosis, is the joining together of two circulatory systems one old and one young. This theory has been in existence for well over a hundred years. In the olden days scientists tried it out by opening up two rodents and sewing their circulatory systems together. It is not only for aging but for metabolism, cancer and even diabetes. With humans, it involves injecting the blood of a young person into the system of an old person.

The concept of this all seems impossible but has actually been tested and worked. The blood of the younger beings seems to be working for the improvement of the older person. It seems to improve or totally renew the organs in the body of its subject. This shows that a prolonged life is possible.

How exactly does this rejuvenation work? It seems that the blood of these old rats is able to rejuvenate the cells of the organs in the body of the old rat. An experiment was carried out, and when observed, the older rat seems to be a lot stronger. The brain, the muscles, and heart seemed to have improved a great deal. The fur also appeared smoother and shinier.

In California, a company known as ambrosia is already a step ahead of all the other companies. This is because this is because testing on human beings has almost begun. The plan is to have subjects of between 25-35 years of age. The 35-year-olds are injected with the blood of the 25-year-olds. They are then observed for a couple of years, and a conclusion is drawn.

For the religious community, this may be perceived as wrong and against the culture of the biblical way of creation. They will see it as a way of trying to change the plans of God and therefore mess with the balance of nature. It may be an acceptable to them at first but truthfully, no one wants to die of old age, and they may actually give into the program eventually.

If by chance this experiment actually works on people, we may be looking at the possibility of the much-admired immortality. People will actually be able to live for as long as they want since the only option is to transfuse the young blood to the older adult.

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