miercuri, 7 februarie 2018

The Importance Of Inspirational Songs Imparting Peace

By Catherine Cook

What the world needs now is love sweet love, are often considered lyrics to live by. While this is the case, the world also needs inspirational songs imparting peace and harmony. For, while What The World Needs Now is a beautiful song, love alone is not often nearly enough. As such, in order to overcome the ongoing troubles and wars of the world, peace and love are equally important.

For, current artists and lyrics and past ones have longed participated by writing music of this nature. In fact, many have been part of a never-ending revolution to bring about courage and unity through music. In other cases, artists have taken on the fight for freedom, social and economic justice by writing and performing songs related to these issues.

There have been a number of artists whose songs have no doubt had a major impact on the world, John Lennon and Leonard Cohen to name a few. While this is the case, it is still important that current and future artists continue to work in this area. For, whether a song can change the world, or only bring peace and harmony to a community during a crisis, there is still an ongoing purpose and need for this music.

Whatever the action, the cause, the movement, it is important that singers and songwriters continue to promote a resolution through lyrics and performance. In addition, there are also artists, poets and writers working in this area. While these individuals often present work at local art galleries, open mics and theaters, most are overlooked.

It is also essential that individuals interested in changing the world for the better become involved in community action and organizations. Whether community or politically based, working with people on the local level can often lead to global change. As such, the best way for a community to have an impact on the larger world is through the participation and work of those involved in local events.

In some cases, individuals can listen to a variety of different genres of music on radio and video channels. In fact, cable and satellite companies often have some of the best channels and genres available. As such, those whom can afford to maintain these services often have more choices than others when it comes to listening to positive and uplifting music.

Groups which were great at spreading this type of music in the 60s and 70s still have music available today at local libraries, in-store and online. As the world is currently going through similar experiences to those of that time, listening to this music can often calm have a calming effect on body, mind and spirit. Some good examples of this kind of music would be that of The Beatles, Crosby, Stills And Nash and Peter, Paul and Mary, just to name a few.

It is important to note that when searching for this genre of music and associated artists, some are better than others. For, songs of this nature can be found in almost every genre. As a result, since listeners often have difference of opinions and taste when it comes to music, not all will enjoy a song as well as others. While this is the case, if the individual can share songs of this nature, whether one enjoys the music or otherwise, doing so can often spread the message of peace and harmony to others and the world.

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