sâmbătă, 2 iunie 2018

Information Regarding Blue Pomeranian Puppies

By Melissa Roberts

The pomerian refer to one of the breeds of dogs that are classified under Spitz group of dogs. The shortened for Pom is often used when referring to Blue Pomeranian Puppies and dogs. The place of origin of the breed is the region located in north-east Germany and north-west Poland. This region of Central Europe is referred to as Pomeria region. These dogs are very small in size so that they are classified as toy dogs.

Poms are believed to have descended from the larger types of Spitz dogs. The German Spitz is believed to be the immediate ancestor of the poms. Some pet clubs classify poms as part of German Spitz. In fact, in some countries, they are referred to as dwarf spitz. The popularity of this breed has been fueled in large part by royal owners. For instance, in the 18th century, a pom was owned by Queen Victoria, something that made its global popularity rise.

Physical wise, this breed is a very small dog. Their weight range is 1.9 to 3.5 kilograms. Poms stand at 5 to 11 inches tall. They have abundantly textured coats with sturdy bodies. Their tails are flat and set high. Their out coat of hairs form some sort of ruff around their necks. In fact, this is their trademark feature. Feathery hairs form on their fringes to describe their hindquarters.

At first, the dogs were commonly known as having white coats, even though a small number had black or white coats. In the beginning of the 19th century, dogs with a brown color were regarded classy as Queen Elizabeth had one with that color. That continued before other colors were introduced.

In these modern times, the existence of poms is marked with many different colors. Some of these colors include orange, white, black, cream, orange, blue, tan, red, sable, brown and tan, spotted, and black and tan. The breed also has dogs with any mixture that can be formed by the colors.

The coat on the body of a pomerian has two layers, making it thick. Grooming the hair can be done with ease, but to keep the coat in proper condition, daily grooming is advised. It is recommended for one to trim the coat every 1 to 2 months. The coat on the outside is lengthy and with straight coarse-textured hair. The inner coat on the other hand is short, thick and soft.

The life expectancy of a healthy Pomeranian is between 12 and 16 years. They contract a few health conditions if they are fed on a good diet and exercised regularly. Grooming is a huge part of proper care for poms.

When grooming, one should pay attention to the ears, eyes, and teeth because they tend to be infected in these areas. Early tooth loss seems to be a problem in these dogs. As such, it is highly recommendable to keep them on a dry food diet.

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