marți, 24 iulie 2018

Ideas On Protecting Against Elephant Poachers

By Angela Wagner

Poaching is one of the key factors affecting wildlife conservation in different parts of the world. The decline of the elephant population is linked to increased demand for ivory. Researchers claim that illegal ivory in the market is not from old piles of ivory, but from elephants killed recently by poachers. Researchers used advanced carbon dating to get these facts. These reports have raised the issue of protecting against elephant poachers. Both conservationists and individuals are on the move to stop poaching.

Conservationists have strong networks which guarantee effective results, however, it is difficult to prevent animal killings without help from the public and private sectors. Conservationists also need help from individuals to increase chances of eliminating poaching. Individuals involved in the ivory trade are advised to stay away from the practice. Wildlife conservation groups know how difficult it is to campaign for wildlife safety alone. Take a look at the list of things individuals, relevant authorities, and groups can do to protect elephants.

Buying ivory goods is a major contributor to poaching in any country. This means eliminating ivory trade is crucial to keep poachers away from animal reserves. Avoid buying items such as trinkets, dominos, fans, pool cues and jewelry. Staying away from such products discourages sellers forcing them to close business. Governments, on the other hand, should regulate antique ivory to ensure individuals have limited access to trophies available in the market.

Coffee and timber plantations are the main contributors to poor wildlife habitation. Elephants are forced to migrate to other places prone to poaching. Wildlife authorities recommend the purchase of certified coffee and timber to discourage individuals from setting plantations in areas reserved for animals.

Another great way of protecting elephants is to declare them as national treasures. Government authorities can change the minds of citizens by valuing elephants. Governments are in better positions to lead campaigns against poaching by raising budgets for wildlife conservationists, ban the sale and purchase of trophies and educate citizens on the value of elephants.

Most people desire to be part of animal conservation activities but are unable because one needs to dedicate his or her life to animals. To ensure everyone is involved in wildlife protection, conservationists host events to encourage local tourism and offer education on the importance of wildlife. Participating in such events helps individuals appreciate nature and strive hard to protect animals. Find active wildlife conservation networks to learn and share effective protection strategies.

Elephants need freedom and sufficient room to survive and live in groups. That is why animal services are against circuses and zoos. These places lock elephants in limited spaces, meaning they do not enjoy freedom. You can be part of the solution by staying away from zoos and circuses which have a record of mistreating elephants.

Consider adopting one or two elephants in conservation centers. Adoption has proven to be a successful process of keeping animals safe. Wildlife authorities do not give you the freedom to carry an elephant with you after adoption. You are given the opportunity to get updates on the well-being of the adopted animal and take pictures. Cash paid for adoption helps in the upkeep of elephants and building of safe habitats for wildlife.

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