sâmbătă, 15 septembrie 2018

Walk Around Magician On Street

By Elizabeth Robinson

People love fun loving acts all around the world. Some performs drama while others do magic. Experts are usually surprised audience with their unique skills of illusion as well. Group belongs to walk around magician Orlando has been doing wonders.

A true thing can be misinterpreted because of the perception created by illusion. The senses are distorted under the influence of drug or alcohol. However that is termed as hallucination where our senses are not in control, whereas in the case of illusion the senses are completely stable but the brain is not able to perceive correctly. Sometimes it get risky too.

Visually perceived images can be misleading or deceptive. Actually, based on the information around the surroundings there is a world which is created inside the brain. When a patient is suffering from migraine or epilepsy can trigger illusion in the brain due to illness or disorder. There are tricks that can be performed on the street or stage by using natural things which creates illusion.

Over the period of time some of the tricks such as chopping the head of a person on the stage gained more popularity as we were cheating death. Later proper institutions were formed to take this staged art into the next level. When magic moved from theater to television it opened more opportunity for performing shows for a large crowd.

Traditionally, magic used to be done in small rooms. Nowadays it is practiced in open area. Table magic can be performed on a dining table where there very close interaction with the people. Mostly magic performed by the people involve games such as playing cards.

When a social group strongly believes in religion or spiritual things is known as a cult. People who believe in God are called orthodox. Similarly the ones who do not have any belief in the existence of god are known as an atheist.

A ritual is a set of activities performed which involves words and gestures. Sometimes for carrying out these activities, even the venue is decided. Various cultures and communities have different forms of rituals. They include oath, sacraments, worships, cults and ceremonies.

Paranormal or supernatural are factors that cannot be explained using normal laws of nature. These are things that are related to god, angels, ghosts, spirits and souls. These are forces beyond miracles and magic. In olden times people even used to think lightning and seasonal change to be supernatural. Later they realized that it had a natural explanation.

A spirit is a nonphysical entity which could be in the form of angel, ghost or a fairy. It is believed that after death the spirit leaves the body and again takes birth in another body. This is the one thing that travels between life and death. This spiritual entity could be good or harmful. The negative spirits are termed as a demon.

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