joi, 13 septembrie 2018

We Talk About Land Auction

By Robert Cox

Well, this is definitely a lot better than a different kind of auction we were thinking about. Not going to mention any events but we are going to reference some stories that have caught our eyes. Though they are not real, it is kind of weird why auctions are so famous in fanfictions. We will not try to question it. Much. But thinking about this topic had us thinking what people are smoking these days. Let us try to stick to this topic known as North Dakota Land Auction.

Well, we suppose it is not so bad. In hindsight, it is probably the best idea to go looking for those auctions anyway. They always serve a good deal whenever these events happen. You get to see all those snotty rich people fight over something and show off just how rich they are. Good fun.

Speaking of rich people, let us talk about them. Those people are always an object of envy or amusement. We see all these movies about a clueless princess entering our common society. It is both funny and aggravating to see her so incredibly confused about instant coffee. She should see the coffee we got in the Philippines.

But seriously. We have read some pretty messed up stuff out there for the last six years of discovering fanfiction. It ranged from one freaky thing to another. And there might have been a lot worse things out there than this but, come on.

At least we all have something to brag about to our children in the future. Will we be one of those annoying grandparents that talk about the old days all the time to children? We have not even reached out thirties yet and we are already gearing up to do it. Being an adult makes us all feel older.

Seriously, what is wrong with people that they would do that? It is bad enough that us humans destroy our planet with all our building and tree cutting, we have to go against ourselves, too? Are we really just creatures of chaos and war? It really is not a surprise that some ambitious people want to change the world.

You get the point. Going back to this whole auction business, we found one that is exactly just the cup of tea for some people. If the thousands and thousands of likes this one got is anything to go by. The story talks about a very attractive human boy being sold off to random rich people. Men and women alike.

But we digress. While we do not oppose auctions in its entirety, we cannot really say that we would like to even see one. A crowd full of people bidding for something? That does not sound fun to us. Or maybe that is just us and our youthfulness. Who knows?

On the bright side, land auctions are a much better alternative to think about that human ones. Too far? Well, you can thank the internet about that. Seriously, that place is such a cesspool of bad ideas and regretful mistakes. Not to mention cringe content keeps spewing out when all we want is a little bit of connection from friends.

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