miercuri, 28 noiembrie 2018

A Prospectus On Ayurvedic Medicine Programs

By Catherine Kennedy

Healthcare, wellness, and their corresponding ways and means have been around since time immemorial. They also differ greatly in each time and place. In India, for example, there are Ayurvedic Medicine Programs.

The aforementioned is among the worlds oldest medical systems. It probably came into being in India about more than three thousand years ago. Nevertheless, it still remains as one of that countrys primary leading traditional health care systems.

This concept is based on ancient Hindu scriptures. Its etymology is based on the combination of two Sanskrit words, ayur meaning life, and veda meaning science or knowledge. All in all, its pitched to be some kind of life science. At most, it was probably founded at least three thousand years ago, and its quite significant that its still has a grand following of adherents and believers.

However, some of the contrived substances are actually recognizably harmful when mixed or handled improperly. Among the metals used are mercury, arsenic, and lead, that which are recognized the whole world over as toxic substances, even in low quantities. Some herbs are also recognizably toxic, by themselves or else through mixtures with conventional medicines. Examples birthwort and madder root.

That may be too metaphysical for its own good. Anyway, all the fuss about Ayurveda is not so much on its tenets and theories but on its applications. As it is, if you want some sort of praxis to be widely accepted, make it as vague as possible. Ayurvedic tradition seems to stand by this trope.

What makes Ayurveda so controversial and popular, however, are not these categorization. Like most alternative medicine tropes, it claims to cure a wide range of diseases and complaints. However, some of these healing techniques are quite counterintuitive to the hard thinking individual. F

Therefore, US states dont license Ayurveda practitioners. However, thats not to say that they dont approve of Ayurvedic schools. After all, some practices and techniques of this system are a no brainer, such as midwifery and massaging. Even questionable practices like leeching are acceptable as long as they dont translate to health problems in both the short and long term.

Anyway, the standard practices of Ayurvedic medicine include exercise, yoga, meditation, herbal remedies, and other some such therapies. Special diets are also encouraged, as well as the proper facilitation of natural cycles like sleeping and eating. In this regard, it also zeroes down on lifestyle recommendations, even impinging on seemingly detached factors such as hygiene. There is panchakarma, the toxin and energy block remover. Some forms of surgery are also practiced, as well as bloodletting. Rasa Shastra involves the taking in of metal elements including mercury, lead, and arsenic, that which is not at all encouraged by most conventional medical practitioners. Much predictably, there are also the herbal medicines, involving such herbs like turmeric, basil, aloe vera, etc.

Its saying something about Ayurveda that its continued patronage says much about its reliability and effectiveness. As with all things unproven in science, its always recommendable to not throw caution to the winds. It wouldnt to put your healing efforts in one basket. In which case, it should be integrated and alternated with conventional medical practices.

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