marți, 1 ianuarie 2019

Adjusting The Handlebars Of A Threaded And Thread Less Bicycles

By Ryan Adams

When riding a motorcycle or even a bike, it is necessary to angle the position of the one driving into a comfortable posture. This is possible to obtain once the bagger handlebars are adjusted high enough. Positioning the handlebars too low that it should be may cause discomfort when riding the bike. There is nothing to worry about though because there is an easy way of adjusting it as long as a rider is guided on what are the steps that needs to be done.

Before the exact process of adjustments, knowing what king of handlebars a rider is using is necessary. There are two types of it namely threaded and the other one is thread less, this two does not have the same methods when it comes to its adjustments. The easiest way to determine which is which would be through finding the spacers below and above the handlebar stem. If there is one, then that is thread less, if none then most likely it is the other class.

Once the type is successfully determined, go ahead and prepare for the exact steps. This one is for the thread less. Loosen the screws up that located at back areas of handlebars. They are also known as pinch bolts and can be removed through the help of hex key and Allen wrench. After all bolts are successfully unscrewed, get the top cap off.

Then go ahead and insert the hex key in the bolt which is found on top then start turning it on counterclockwise means of direction. Slide off the spacers then set all bolts away. Then, remove the handlebars off and set that one aside too.

Add more spacers on the stem of the bike to position it way higher than it was before. After adding enough of it and feeling like the height is enough to feel comfortable when riding, everything can be installed back to the bicycle like it normally was. Make sure to tighten the grip of all bolts to prevent unnecessary motions that may cause unbalancing when taking a ride.

Threaded types has longer handlebar stems compared to the other one. It is often fitted to the bike frame and spacers are not found in it. This has screw on the backside of it or it can be plastic rings attached to the bottom and top areas of handlebar stem.

Then measure the distance between the top of stem until the bike frame. Take note of exact measurement and set that aside. This will help the rider in reverting back the old positioning once the adjustment done was not successful or does not feel comfortable at all.

After which, start unscrewing the bolt using the same tools that can be used with the thread less type. The motion should be of counterclockwise, then turn it for about five times to successfully have it loosen. Then, the stem can be moved freely on an up or a down motion depending on which adjustment is desired.

When trying to determine the appropriate height, be sure to not go beyond the markings that are put on the handlebars. This markings are the guide on how far or how high the handlebar should only go. Raising it beyond would possibly be of harm and no one wants that. When everything is set, tighten the screw back.

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