luni, 15 aprilie 2019

Without A Divorce Attorney Person County NC Couples May Suffer Damages

By Linda Long

It is a sad fact that precious few marriages are still of the till death do us part type. Marriages fall apart all the time and the stigma that used to be associated with divorced people is long gone. Single parent families abound. Thousands of lawyers make a very good living from divorces only and there are even especially dedicated courts to handle these cases. So, when in need of a divorce attorney Person County NC couples do not have to look far.

When two people get married they often see it as a romantic and spiritual ceremony. It is, in fact, also a legal agreement between the two partners. When the marriage falls apart, it is not always a simple matter to dissolve the union. Many laws come into play and the couple has to make many decisions and come to an agreement on the terms of their separation. Only then can the legal agreement be set aside.

Reasonable couples realize that they have nothing to win by fighting their battle in open court. They discuss matters and they negotiate a separation agreement by making compromises and by being willing to settle matters amicably. In these cases only one lawyer needs to be hired and his job is to draw up the settlement agreement and get to be made an order of the court. This is a much cheaper route.

Thankfully, the majority of divorcing couple realize that it is not in their own best interest to bankrupt themselves with protracted cases and exorbitant legal fees. These are couples that are able to discuss the relevant issues in an adult matter and to come to agreement by being reasonable and willing to compromise. This is a much cheaper and far less painful course of action and they need only one representative.

It is a common misconception that there are rules or laws that require divorcing couples to use a lawyer. This is not the case. They have other options such as making use of specially licensed counselors that are trained to handle divorce agreements. They can only be used in uncontested cases, however. The benefit is that their services are much cheaper than that of lawyers.

When children become part of the equation, divorces can get tricky. The courts will always put the interests of the children above all other matters, however. It is a sad fact that many parents use their children as pawns when they get divorced. This often causes innocent children to believe that they are the cause of the trouble. In some causes such children can be traumatized for many years.

There are always victims when families are torn asunder. In some cases, however, it is best to get out of a destructive relationship. If one of the partners is abusive in any way, for example, it is best to get out of that situation. Substance abuse can also cause great hardship and if the addict will not accept help, the partner may have no choice but to seek safety and security.

Making it more difficult to obtain divorces, as some people advocate, will not necessarily lower the divorce rate. As it is, numerous couples live together without bothering to get married in the first place. Social experts agree, however, that couples should be more circumspect before they get married in the first place.

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