sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

Reasons Why BC Liberal Farmers Need To Be Protected

By Donna Adams

Agricultural land is the source of livelihood for many rural communities in most countries in the world. Therefore, introducing draconian laws that come in the form of Bill 15, which intends to take away the pieces of land that belong to BC liberal farmers is not only dictatorial but also inhuman. This article will outline the importance of agriculture to any community and the reasons why agricultural land must be preserved.

Farming is what creates food security. The fight against any farmers would mean that the society will, at one point lack food or have insufficient to provide for the people. That will happen in the event the government does not stop the encroachment on the agricultural land own by these farmers.

Protecting the farmers and their rights will be protecting the rights of humans. It is very important that all key factors, in this case, come together to protest against the violation of the rights of the people by these so called private developers. You should not wish to make a fortune by making a fellow human being live like a slave.

Failure to stand with these people against other forces will mean that the poor majority have to revolt. That is the making of a civil war, something that no society should ever wish for because it kills all the developments made. Wars are retrogressive in nature, and they can be avoided by respecting the rights of other people and treating them with respect.

The British Columbian society deserves to be given both financial and intellectual aid to help them upgrade their farming skills. If instead of helping in any manner, the government wants to bring forth private developers, it means that the same government is hypocritical. A government run by hypocrites is always bound to turn against its subjects, and the larger society needs to be quite weird of this move.

Besides, what the people behind this attack are doing is simply oppressing the weak. Now, when this happens, philosophy will show reason why oppression is not good. As human beings, it must be noted that any form of dehumanization reduces humanness. People become what is known as lesser humans, and that should not be encouraged because it is a basal act that only belongs to the wild, basal animals.

In the end, no matter how important the developers think their project is to the people, they must appreciate the place of the local community. The locals must first own the project for it to be as successful as envisaged. That means that there is a need to have a dialogue with the farmers instead of pushing some projects down their throats.

The development is good, but it must also have a human face. What this means is that people should not suffer just because some developmental project has been brought to them. This is the case of the private developers against the farmers, which must be changed in time to avoid future adverse repercussions.

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