joi, 27 iunie 2019

Right Of Every Person For Just Compensation

By Diane Kennedy

In our society today, everything comes with a price. So for us to live and survive the different challenges in our day to day lives, we need to find a job and earn some money. Even the water we drink now is for sale, indeed nowadays nothing is for free. Prevailing Wage Contractors were made to be enforced for the security of workers.

It is just a normal thing to get yourself employed, in fact employment has been proven to be the basis of economic standing of a particular city. Ever since the beginning, employment had already existed. They may call it differently, but by definition they are just the same thing.

Later on, because of great desire for development slavery became rampant during the ancient times. They abused human to render service without payment and even contrary to their will. Prisoners and poor citizens are the most common to be subjected into slavery. One can see the inhumane treatment of wealthy against the less privileged.

Later on, when money and gold were introduced as a medium of exchange, barter has slowly fades out of the picture. Eventually, trade of goods and services with money as its medium became famous. As a matter of fact, we are still using such method in our day to day lives.

Fortunately, after a couple of years the war has ended. People now began to live independently with the enjoyment of their full capacity as persons. Trade went back to its normal form and forced labor has been eradicated. Luckily, people of today do not have to experience the same think as they had.

Such was also useful for people who just wanted to learn different custom and tradition of different race. He or she collects items coming from different part of this world and keep it for souvenir or for sale. Indeed, nothing is wrong about this but the only negative side on it is they are most likely to be the victim of bandits.

Being that said, such form of slavery is indeed prohibited and in fact a violation against the inherent right of a person. We cannot deny that our society nowadays continues practicing this kind of illegal practice. We may just not see it but it exists actually. Politicians and other high ranking persons is the most common to be involved of this problem.

Slavery may not be apparent today but the act of rendering service with just payment is still not completely implemented. When a person is hired by another for a certain work, the former is obliged to pay the latter the amount agreed upon. The latter is also obliged to render make the job done according to the contract.

In any case, we have to consider the stability of a certain city or country before we think of salary or wage. Indeed, minimum wage greatly depends on the income of a city. Legislators cannot simply enact law prescribing the minimum rate of salary without taking into account the economic standing of a country.

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