vineri, 12 iulie 2019

Improving The Security Means Safety For Your Life

By Carolyn Reynolds

People are naturally full of ambitions. We grow old with full of hopes and dreams that one day we will be able to achieve and acquire such things. However, because of being fixated to that dreams, some people loses their minds and end up doing something contrary to law. Security analysis and investigations were made to exist in order to make sure the safety of every citizen.

Being in a situation where you have to choose between survival and death, most will choose to survive. We are naturally afraid of dying especially if it is not the way we wanted it to be. As like what majority say, we choose to survive when life seems to be difficult. We cannot hide the fact that persons who have been exposed to violence are mostly criminals when they grow up.

Nowadays, we cannot deny that our society is covered with several criminal activities. People can no longer ensure their safety wherever they go. It is even hard to mention that most crimes that were reported actually involved personalities affiliated with our authorities. The persons who are supposed to be our protectors now appear to be our perpetrators.

It may be hard to believe but unfortunately, such premise is actually the reality. For this reason people tend not to trust the government any longer. We have no idea what happened to our land, it seems that everything has been routed to a wrong path. We all wanted to make it right but unless we make a change to our self, no matter what we do, doing it is beyond our reach.

We all wanted to be insured in our own and our family safety. Indeed, nothing is more important in this world but our beloved family. We are all willing to do almost everything just to make them satisfied. Dying for them is just too easy because of our immeasurable love towards them. Well, they are actually the reason why we keep on living in this cruel world.

Being that said, we cannot blame the people because we are naturally born with heart that is full of love from our parents. We might just set as an exception those who were raised without any parent. Bu still as longs as you considered yourself as human, you still have the heard capable of loving and being loved.

Today, plenty of crimes were reported involving killing and other acts shocking to the conscience of men. We cannot deny that such acts of immorality and evil became rampant already. Indeed, even the most trusted person may be the subject of such crimes. No one is exempted from it no matter how powerful you are.

Luckily, the governments of different states are taking necessary steps already to suppress this kind of incidents. We are all aware that these criminals are human beings as well. Therefore, they also have rights the same as others that must be protected and respected. Despite the fact that they were once possessed by evil thoughts, still they have human hearts that know how to feel love and pain.

We cannot deny that even those individuals whom you hired to guard you may be the one to commit such crimes. Though that situation is already hypothetical, still we will not know if such thing is possible to happen. As a matter of fact, there are cases that were reported already regarding security personnel who rob the bank that they were working for.

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