sâmbătă, 13 iulie 2019

Reasons Of Current Events Jerks Bosses Politics

By Edward Olson

Whether dealing with world leaders, pharmaceutical representatives, local or regional government officials, boorish and childish behaviors are often at the forefront of daily life, especially in the United States. In fact, it can often feel as if Current Events Jerks Bosses Politics are overshadowing everything else going on in the world.

Sutton is a Stanford Business School Professor whom has created somewhat of a cottage industry by becoming an expert on these actions and issues. Bob's first book The No Asshole rule became a bestseller rather quickly, now with a sequel, The Asshole Survival Guide, the author and professor hopes to see another on a long list of accomplishments.

Bob, as part of a marketing ploy provided New York Magazine's Jessica Pressler an in-depth interview related to current events and the inappropriate nastiness of government officials and others. One of the most useful sections of this new release according to Sutton, is in answering the question as to why these events are occurring in the present moment. According to the author, the answer involves a rather lengthy explanatory process.

According to the author, while the answer involves a rather lengthy explanation, the reasons are somewhat clear. The first, the rhetoric coming from Trump and the White House being spewed on social media such as the insult laden tweets which have appeared on Twitter on a regular basis. Whereas, the author also provides the definition of asshole as being any individual who leaves another feeling demeaned, de-energized or disrespected, which regardless of party affiliation, President Trump has achieved at one time or another since taking office.

As an aside, Sutton also suggest that politics is for the most part, everybody calling everybody else assholes. Whereas, that nasty behaviors often breeds and spreads much more quickly than nicer behaviors. In other words, the current president's onslaught insult-laden rallies and tweets are doing absolutely nothing to improve America or the national conversation.

Inequality is another area Sutton believes has had a major effect in relation to the bitter nastiness now going on in the country. In addition, the massive economic gap between rich and poor has only grown wider over the last few decades. As such, there is now a much larger imbalance between the have and the have nots which the country has not seen since the Great Depression.

Technology is another area in which the author believes has had a negative aspect on the country. For, while some advances in technology have played a positive role, others have given people powers many have used to cause harm. For example, using the anonymity of the internet to promote crimes such as kidnapping and trafficking, or merely to be mean against people without having eye contact.

Ultimately, the nicer people can be with one another, the better relationships will be. Whether those relationships be focused on politics, work, live or love. For, remember what Sutton said, it is much easier for bad behavior to spread than good behavior. As such, all people have the ability to be a part of the solution, simply by behaving the best we can in any given situation.

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