sâmbătă, 9 octombrie 2010

How Do I Promote My Site Using Videos

By John Moore

The first thing to do once you have filmed your video is to upload it to a video hosting site. Undoubtedly the most popular of these is YouTube, however, it is important to note that overall they have less than half of the video traffic available so it will pay you to look at other sites like Viddler, Dailymotion and Metacafe etc. There is nothing stopping you uploading to all these sites in fact it would be a great idea if you want to get as much exposure as possible.

I will be looking at YouTube as it is the most popular but bear in mind that the other channels all work in a similar way.

You have to create your own channel on YouTube. Use this channel as a way of introducing yourself and your business to anyone looking at your channel. Be careful not to oversell the business at this point but be sure that they can access your website through any links that you place here. Use the various information boxes to give you viewer a good overall impression. Your videos should get them interested in what you do and who you are and then lead them to your website.

When you first set up your channel you will need to select a username for your account. It is a good idea to use an alias for this, something that you will really grab your viewer's attention and make them curious as to what you are doing. I would suggest things like getrichnow or millionairementor or something along these lines. I know that this may seem a little extreme but it has been proven to be effective.

You should set your channel type as Guru as people assume that this title has to be earned and so your status will go up slightly. As far as the category goes I would use Education, you are looking to educate people on your business after all. If you are looking at Video Marketing for different reasons than me then you should obviously choose the appropriate ones for you. If you have your brand in place on other sites then you should make sure that you brand the colour and wallpaper to match those.

When you are ready with the channel set up it is time to upload your videos. I would suggest that you try to upload a couple on the first day if you can and then make sure that you are regularly adding videos. I would look to do at least two per week until you have a decent amount on the channel and then add them as you want. This will make sure that the content is fresh and that any subscribers that you get receive regular notifications of new videos.

Now you must look to market your videos. It is no good just loading them and expecting people to find them, this may bring a little traffic but not really that much. You must build up subscribers to your channel. To do this you need to do to others as you wish to have done to yourself. By that I simply mean you should search out other channels in a similar niche to yours, subscribe to them and friend them. You should also leave some nice comments on their channel comments. Most people who are into Video Marketing understand that a reciprocal arrangement is expected, not all but most. I would suggest that you look to add between ten and fifteen subscribers daily.

You will slowly build your subscriptions over time and you also need to leave comments on the videos themselves. This is so that when people watch the video and look to see what people have said about it they can see your name alongside your comment and some will follow it back to your channel. Again you need to do this on a regular basis over time to see the real benefits.

A quick word of warning, please do not leave antagonistic comments on other peoples channels, as I have already said do to others as you would have done to you. If you leave a nasty comment you may well get some back and you do not want to get into a mud slinging match with anyone.

These are just a few pointers to making the most from your Video Marketing. You must use these marketing tips on a regular basis, as with most things to do with Internet Marketing, consistency is the key.

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Un comentariu:

  1. Using video marketing techniques will increase profits for any business. Compared to other online marketing strategies video marketing is cheap. Just my thoughts!
