vineri, 8 octombrie 2010

Learn To Harness The Power Of The Subconscious Mind

By Jean D Kerr

Your subconscious mind is easily the most powerful force on the planet and it shouldn't be underestimated. Everything you do or say or think begins in your mind. When you can tap the power of the subconscious, that power can be manifested to your conscious mind.

Have you ever done anything throughout your day on complete auto-pilot? Simple tasks that you just get done without thinking about why you're doing them are those controlled by your subconscious need to do them.

Your sub-conscious mind acts and reacts according to the stimulus it receives, whether you recognize it or not. This can mean that negative or upsetting images on the TV can have an effect on your sub-conscious thoughts in the same way as those negative comments you tell yourself when you feel doubt have the same effect.

By harnessing the power of the subconscious mind you really can unleash you're full potential. On the reverse of that, if you allow your own inner thoughts to keep repeating negative thoughts or images, then your subconscious will take hold of these and allow those to manifest instead.

Training your subconscious mind is much easier than many people believe. It's much deeper than just wishful thinking or day dreaming and a lot more powerful. Learning the simple processes required to activate the power of your subconscious can be achieved in several ways.

Quite possibly, the simplest way one can guide the subconscious mind it through the power of affirmation. As one would logically assume, affirmation refers to the ability to remind oneself of positive aspects of life in order to achieve a desired result.

Think about a task you really didn't want to begin. You would immediately have begun to feel tired and look for other things to do instead. Inside your mind, your thoughts would be telling you that you don't want to do that, or that you should be working on something else. This is a subconscious stress reaction and it drains your energy automatically in response to a task that is counter-productive to achieving those things you really want.

One way this can be achieved is through constantly reminding oneself about how many benefits can be derived from performing the task. You could also look in the mirror and affirm that you are the absolute best person for the job. In fact, you are so good at the job the end result will be a complete work of art!

You're also able to change your habits through use of affirmations. You might want to stop smoking or learn to stop overeating or even feel more motivated about exercising more regularly. These affirmations confirm the things you want to your subconscious, which then creates the impulses that remind your conscious mind of the things you should be doing.

There are other means one can use to harness the power of the subconscious mind. Post hypnotic suggestion is a common method that is often used. This process can be done by using a qualified hypnotherapist but self hypnosis is also an option by listening to pre-recorded hypnosis audios.

You might also want to try brainwave synchronization or binaural beats. These are specially created sound frequencies you play through a set of headphones. The frequencies change so you hear different things in each ear. This can synchronize the separate sides of your brain which can allow you to descend into a deep meditation easily. You're able to access your subconscious more easily in this state.

Complete mastery of your subconscious mind's power takes years of training, as shown by highly trained Buddhist monks. They are able to display amazing abilities through mastering and controlling their subconscious power so that it manifests through their conscious minds. Things like levitation or breaking solid objects without pain or injury.

The law of attraction, explained in films and books such as The Secret, works by learning to harness the power inside your own subconscious mind. It is possible to manifest the life you always dreamed of, or the perfect partner or the ideal job.

More traditional sciences, such as quantum physics, are beginning to recognize the significance of the power many ancient civilizations accessed by understanding their own subconscious minds. The ability to alter and influence your own reality comes from tapping the power within yourself.

The power of the subconscious mind is far more vast them most people realize. That is why it is important to never overlook the benefits of manipulating the subconscious. Not only can you change your behaviour; using the power of your subconscious mind is also the gateway to a truly amazing new life!

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Un comentariu:

  1. Hi,

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