miercuri, 9 martie 2011

How To Become More Attractive To Women

By Alex Decoto

Now, let me immediately tell you that looks are much less important for attracting women than personality. But, since most people don't give advice on how men can change their looks and improve their chances with women, embrace yourself.

We will start with basic hygiene. I feel dreadful to even mention something like this, but I have seen so many dirty and smelly guys that I am forced to mention this. Always shower and always use mints or gum. These two are really crucial. You can't function in today's world if you smell or your breath smells. It's different with shaving. You facial hair is okay whether it is shaved or not. If you decide to keep facial hair, make sure it is taken care of at least.

Your nails should always be clean and short. This relates to general cleanliness. Every day I see at least one man that has his nails unkept. This tells me a thing about those men. It tells me that they are sloppy and irresponsible. You don't want to be one of them. Regarding your hair, just keep it dandruff-free and keep it from getting too greasy.

Let's get to the interesting part, clothing. I love good clothing. You may consider changing your style of clothing if you have had the same one for many years. Try out new things. There are so many clothes available today. There are also so many new styles available. Regardless of what you choose, your clothes have be kept. Don't be lazy. If you don't wash your clothes regularly, I hope you rot in your smell. Mind these basic responsibilities.

No matter what people say, clothes almost make the person. They are very important for first impressions. Women judge men by their overall presentation. It's not hard to improve, so do it!

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