marți, 8 martie 2011

Riding Your Bike Safely with Deer Prone Areas

By Mafalda Housholder

Our friend bumped a deer on the road while he was riding his bike - or somehow the deer bumped into him from the sidelines, only months have gone by. On the positive aspect, he only incurred a slight wound on his foot. He placed an electronic whistle on his motorcycle that keeps the deer away since he's fond of traveling about every weekend. Now, he says that every time he is on his bike and sees a deer ahead, he just uses the electronic gadget and the deer would just be still, rather than attempting to cross the road.He was very lucky - but took precautions to prevent getting hit by a deer again.The deer are moving this time of year with the change of seasons coming.

Are deer the most common cause of vehicular accidents?Deer tend to gather at the edge of roads because of the tall grass and vegetation, they move around a lot and tend to use roads as paths, and it is their natural instinct to zigzag when escaping from predators. Also, deer get blinded by headlights from vehicles at night causing them to run without seeing where they're going. It will be much safer for you to be on the alert when you are on the road during sundown and sunrise. These are the times of the day when deer usually eat.

A few extra tip for you to note on the deer patterns and ways to avoid them, regardless of the kind of vehicle you use is to be cautious above all whenever driving on two lane or rural roads.We live in a rural area, and I can tell you that every time we leave the house, we see a deer or two, sometimes a herd. We have packs that ravage the garden for food near the road. If ever you see a deer, typically there are many of them, therefore reduce speed and keep an eye on passersby.Deer crossing signs are there for a reason, letting you know that particular place in the road is a favorite pathway. At night, when we travel, we guard ourselves from headlights directly hitting the eyes. The concept of "caught like a deer in the headlights" originated from a deer who stalled because his vision was impaired due to the lights of the vehicle. Should it happen to you, signal at the approaching car by blinking your lights.

The Motorcycle Safety Foundation recommends a helmet as the most protective piece of gear you can wear while riding a bike. To guard your face from stones and insects flying towards you, there should be a shield on your helmet. You are not sufficiently protected with only a windshield or glasses. Be certain that the face shield is tightly attached to your helmet and scratch free because scratches can refract light, blurring out your vision. Also use a tinted shield when riding during the day and a clear shield when riding at night. Exhaust pipes can burn you and flying road debris can hurt you when riding a bike, so to stop it from happening, wear something bulky over the ankle boots. It was good that our friend had his tough footwear on. It reduced the level of damage he suffered during the accident, as told by his medical doctor. You should have a footwear that can firmly hang on the foot pegs.

To keep your hands protected from the sun, cold, wind and blisters, put on a sound pair of heavy gloves. This will also lessen injuries in case of collisions. Put on a protective body gear, either leather or abrasion resistant fabric to lessen or avoid injuries in case of collisions. Deer horns on your car, you have. How about on your motorbike? You must have it as well because when you are on your bike, you are most vulnerable to elements of the outside, and this is crucial to your added safety. Have a pleasant ride without the hassles of getting into deer-related accidents.

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