marți, 31 decembrie 2013

3 Necessary Steps To Win Your Ex-Girlfriend Back

By Alex Peters

The more you love your girlfriend or wife, the more difficult and emotional the breakup can be. The pain and anguish might be so powerful that you would probably prefer a physical wound rather than having to endure this kind of pain. At least if you were in physical pain you would have some idea of how the healing process was going or you would know that over time the pain would become less intense. With emotional pain, you are on a roller coaster and simple things like seeing your ex or being reminded of the past can bring on renewed emotional turmoil. With physical pain you might even be able to see the healing occurring but this is not so with emotional pain.

Whether you were married to the woman that you love or she was just your girlfriend, the pain is no different. The healing process and the process of restoring your relationship should also be no different. Women are women and whether you had a piece of paper saying that you would be together forever or not, there was probably a time when both of you said or wished that you would be together until the end of time. Getting over your pain, rebuilding your self-confidence and getting her back will be the same no matter if we are talking about a wayward wife or girlfriend. It also doesn't matter what is going on in her life. It doesn't matter if she is with some other guy or not. You will see that these methods which are loosely based upon what is suggested to get a combat soldier through stress will help you to get your ex back more quickly than you might otherwise think.

First, you are going to process your emotions and in a very matter of fact manner you're going to run through everything that happened. This is called a debriefing. You can be upset all you want beforehand but as soon as you have time you are going to sit yourself down and in a factual manner, recount what happened in the past. You're going to discuss what you did wrong, what you would have done differently as well as what your ex did to you. You're going to put it all in the past and learn from your mistakes.

Putting events of the past where they belong is important. Often we try to fix things by reliving the past. We mourn the loss and beat our self up wishing that we had done things differently. We can't go back. We can only go forward. There should be a certain freedom that you will feel once you decompress and debrief from what happened. There's nothing you can do about the past other than to make sure that you don't make the same mistakes again.

The next step involves get some rest and relaxation. Just like combat veterans who have seen battle, you need a little bit of time to blow off some steam and live life a little. You have seen your share of hell, you have put it behind you and now it's time to remember what life is all about. You have survived and you will get that second chance with the woman you love. Be happy about that and celebrate. Today is the first day of your new life and it's up to you to decide what direction you will head in. Begin by doing things that bring you joy or make you feel good about your life.

Avoid the temptation to go out and get drunk with your friends. This might be what your friends suggest but more often than not, alcohol will depress you and make you slide back into the mourning process. You will be tempted to contact your ex. Your mind will play tricks on you and you might be tempted to call your ex to let them know that you're doing well or that you still love them. Resist this temptation and put some distance between you and your girlfriend or wife. Go for a short trip or spend a weekend away from your home town. Find a place that is serene or which distracts you from everything that happened before, during and after your breakup. Getting away from the things that remind you about your ex is important right now.

When you return home, it's time to start getting back into shape mentally, emotionally and physically. It's time to start taking care of yourself and training for your big comeback. It's time to education yourself about relationships and how women behave in relationships. Look at this as your training to get back in there and win your ex girlfriend or wife back. Learn about her, what makes her tick and why she reacts the way that she does when she's in a relationship. Women behave much differently than men. They are emotional. Men are logical. Train that logical part of your brain to target her emotions and you will be well on your way to winning her back.

You might still be filled with fear or doubt right now but if you think this plan through you will understand that it will work. Removing the emotions as well as the blame for what happened and getting to work on yourself is the fastest way to get your girlfriend or wife back. Focus on what you can do instead of what you did in the past. It is a waste of your time and energy. The sooner you regain your confidence and self-esteem, the sooner you will be able to win her back. If you prolong this process and allow yourself to feel horrible for another month or so, you will be kicking yourself for wasting time. You have some work to do but the reward will be getting your ex back in the shortest time possible.

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