luni, 30 decembrie 2013

What Makes A Gentleman Fall In Love

By Steve Zones

Are you looking to spice things up in your romantic life or have the notice from the perfect guy? While many guys are pretty savvy in terms of pick-up lines and teasing, you can find items that you can say and do that will fly under his radar and make him take serious notice.

First, while you might believe that men aren't emotional, the truth is that men do feel emotions every bit as much as women. A man's emotions are repressed though. Men are taught from a very young age to hide their emotions. They are told not to cry, not to get angry or upset. These emotions still exist but they are buried deep down inside. The same holds true for love, passion and desire. Laughing at a joke and touching his hand as you tell him that he's funny is a clever way to double up on the connection and attraction. Simply touching a man's back or arm in passing as you say good morning or hello takes some courage but it is a guaranteed way to make a man feel something for you.

A feeling of contact is an effective teasing tool that numerous women ignore. Inadvertent contact or holding a man in passing or when you're speaking with him will send a strong spontaneous communication to him and help you to create a relationship with him.

Show him that smile that says that he is special. Let him see your eyes sparkle and look him right in the eyes as you think loving thoughts to yourself. Your thoughts will be transferred into your smile and you might be surprised that he becomes speechless before your very eyes.

It is simply the way that all men are wired. Use these methods to your advantage and soon you'll be feeling more love, more desire and more attraction coming from the man in your life.

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