miercuri, 8 ianuarie 2014

Tips On How To Make That Magical Connection

By Lou Raedwulfe

You've been seeing each other for a while and it seems that, with each moment spent, the two of you are getting closer on all levels. You're pretty certain that he might be "the one" but, yet, every time the subject of making things permanent comes up he seems to hesitate or even pull back. So you find yourself asking: How can I get him to commit to me? I thought I had met my soul mate.

You were hoping he would say "Yes" immediately to your inquiry about whether or not the relationship is going anywhere. Instead, he may be holding back, not because he doesn't care about you, but may not want to get hurt down the road. Here are 4 things that will help you in getting him to the next level in your relationship.

1. Stressed out - Be sure that when you are ready to pop the question about commitment, that neither of you are under stress at the time.

2. Seeing is believing and vice versa - Sometimes the non-verbal messages we receive carry more information that those filled with words. When the two of you are together pay attention to his body language. If you notice that he seems to physically pull back whenever the "c" word comes up, don't be afraid to ask him how he feels. On the other end of the spectrum, if he seems to be opening up his "space" to include you more and more, tell him how good that feels and how nice it would be if it were for a longer period of time.

3. Be honest - Now that you have brought it up and he's responding like a deer in the headlights, it is time for you to let him digest the issue. It is also time to really be honest with him about how you feel in the relationship with him. This is when he may really start to open up and be truthful about what he fears most about commitment. It could be that he was the victim in a breakup and was very hurt by it. Now is your big opportunity to make him know how much he really means to you.

4. Your quest is important - Even if he lets you know that maybe the timing is just off right now or that he isn't really emotionally ready yet to commit, this is when you have the opportunity to decide if you want to continue on and wait, or end it.

Making a decision to commit yourself, heart and soul, to another person can be the most magical thing a person can do. Yet the process is not magic but merely the art of using your own senses and feelings to navigate the uncertain waters of romance to the blissful shores of forever.

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