marți, 7 ianuarie 2014

Understanding How Marketing Is An Investment

By Maryl Joop

For those who are managing and running companies, part of the challenge of maintaining an optimal level of business is to have great lead generation. Lead generation refers to the marketing process of capturing interest in your business' products and services in order to construct a sales pipeline.

However, marketing can often be quite different. Marketing refers to your company's brand image, and what it prompts people to do. Companies like Coca Cola, McDonalds, and Disney have brands that alone are worth billions of dollars. While yours may not be so high, successful marketing can transform your brand into a powerful identifier that can bring increased business to your company.

Tailor Your Message

Many people understand that marketing is important, but they might not necessarily know why. To put it simply: marketing keeps your company in the mind of consumers. The people out there who are in the market to buy your products or services have hundreds of options to choose from.

Consumers appreciate company emails that are informative, and help the consumer in some way. For this reason, emails about sales and promotions are especially effective because they allow consumers to see immediate benefits to receiving those emails.

Go Digital

Entering the digital realm is by no means an excuse to downplay the importance of person-to-person interaction, but is simply another tool that will help you generate valuable leads. One of the ways companies have been using digital media to help with lead generation is through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. PPC advertisements charge you each time a user clicks on your advertisement, but they send that user directly to whatever webpage you want them to see. While paying per click might seem expensive, keep in mind that marketing always costs money, and that PPC is a great way to spread a large, yet focused net over your target market. Also, PPC advertising enables you to collect valuable data on the people who found your marketing interesting enough to click on, allowing you to see exactly what sort of people find your industrial or construction marketing intriguing.

So simply ensure that your business employs straightforward construction marketing; showing consumers what you do during construction that makes you their best choice. Of course, there is a lot more that goes into coming up with a good marketing plan, but make sure that whatever you are planning on implementing reflects what your company stands for. Dishonest marketing rarely works, and if so, doesn't last for long, so the best option you have is to be genuine with your consumers.

Despite our reliance on digital media to communicate and exchange information, trade shows are still an extremely profitable way to generate leads (especially in business to business sales). We as human beings still like to meet others and evaluate them in person, and trade shows offer the perfect opportunity through which to do this. So while digital marketing and other methods of advertising might enable your company to contact more people, the connections you make at a trade conference have a much higher chance of becoming profitable to your business.

So in what way is marketing an investment? Well, marketing isn't an exact science. There is usually no definite quick fix to brand image problems. Successful marketing requires patience and perseverance, but with these two qualities, successful marketing approaches can result in an extremely valuable brand. So don't put off your marketing, start it now, and be prepared for it to cost money and take time before you start to see results. While it might be hard, if you do it right the results will speak for themselves.

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