vineri, 23 mai 2014

Reasons To Join Online Dating Sites For Outdoor People

By Marci Glover

A human being, aside from the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter, has other needs, too. According to the hierarchy of needs formulated by a famous psychologist, there are five stages that man has to accomplish to be able to say that he has lived a long and happy life. At the bottom of the need pyramid is the physiological requirement, which covers the basic needs.

Safety needs come right after. This includes security. Man has to feel secure in the place where he is currently residing, to be sure in his employment status. Only when he has achieved this sense of security will he be able to connect with other people to feel loved. This is the reason why dating sites for outdoor people are available.

When man has found someone to share life with, he will be motivated to push harder in his career, enabling him to attain his esteem needs. He will gain confidence and the respect of others as he grows professionally. Near the end of his life, he will be able to look back and be filled with contentment that all his hard work bore good fruits. Not everyone will be able to reach this, though.

Following in the different levels of needs, it is suffice to say that most have achieved the first two steps. The lucky ones are in the third, the hardworking ones are onto the fourth already. One can reach the fourth level after the third, but most often, young adults of today tend to skip the third in pursuit of the fourth. Career over love is currently the favorite motto of the public.

This way of thinking has given modern society adults who are already quite accomplished even at a very young age. They live in imposing residence towers, brush elbows with the rich and powerful, wear designer clothes, own expensive material things, and live the charmed life. Yes, the society of today is full of ambitious individuals who are willing to forgo everything just to get to the top.

If asked what they feel is lacking in their lives, most of them would automatically blurt out that they do not have a partner to share everything with. Sometimes, this is not a question of being choosy or being ultimately shy, most often the underlying reason is that they do not have the time to go out and make acquaintances. To answer to this problem, web developers have thought of making online dating sites.

When it first started over the web, people used to scoff at it and see it as a sure sign of desperation. While this could be true for some, there are actually loads of good reasons why more and more people are opening up to the idea.

The first one could be due to the fact that going out to bars to meet new people could be quite frustrating. You go in, drink, and collect numbers. Afterward, you try each one, and to your disappointment, there was no one who could completely connect to you. This would lead you to feeling that you have just wasted valuable time going out when you could have just done that report at home.

Through online, it easy to make a connection. You do not have to talk with someone for hours only to realize that you do not have anything in common. Here, you can narrow down your search to find somebody who wants to go trekking and hiking as much as you do.

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