vineri, 23 mai 2014

Understand How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Marci Glover

Attending church services is not the same as putting what you learn there in your heart. Salvation lies within, but it must be honed and dealt with on a daily basis. It does not come easily and it may take some hard work to find the courage to ask a Higher Power to help you. If you want to know how to be saved by jesus, you can find out easily.

Search your soul and ask yourself if it is the time to do this. It takes some time to know when is the right time. This decision does not come overnight. It may take time to figure out. You may have some issues to resolve before you know if you are ready. Things may have happened to you that hurt you and you must learn how to forgive.

Forgiveness is one of those things that must be embraced even if you do not want to. It has nothing to do with religion or even spirituality. It is requisite to forgive just because it helps with one's mental health. Holding onto pain or grudges only keeps one's mind and heart blocked. It creates a lot of tension which is not healthy.

Reading about Jesus in the Bible or in other reading materials is a good idea. He was a very strong man who overcome a ton of challenges while healing the sick and raising the dead. He even fed thousands of people with just a few fish. These miracles were something for him to teach people to trust and have faith even when the going gets rough.

When you read the Bible, you will see many examples of what he did. He withstood a lot of criticism and was even killed in the end. He overcome this and raised himself from the dead. This is really quite amazing. Not many people have been able to do this. Read stories about him and see if there is understanding about why this happened and if you can take him into your heart.

Getting saved requires some prayer and dedication. Decide if you are ready to do this. Not all people are ready. They need to evaluate their life because there may be a lot of turmoil in it and taking in a Higher Power may not be what they want just right now. They may need more time or they may even need to go through more trials.

Ask a pastor of a church what he or she thinks you should do if you are not ready. Some people are ready immediately and need to feel the Savior's love right away. Others are more skeptical about it because they have been hurt and are having a hard time trusting.

Ask for help with prayer and fasting. These types of activities can help you get closer to God. Ask God if you are ready for this step and be honest with yourself in all things. Honesty is the best way to do things because if you decide to not be honest, life gets even more complicated than it already is.

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